Hi! I’m Reet and..

I first started writing when I was 15. Oh, the joys of being a blogger in 2015! I had the time of my life writing extensively about “fashion” and my outfits. For me, it is the best memory I have from my teenaged years. Of course, it shouldn’t come as a surprise, but I eventually gave up on my blog when I reached the glorious age of 18. Too embarrassed to keep going, I decided to “act cool” and vanished from the world of blogging as I knew it.

Fast forward to last year, a year out of my undergrad and in the midst of the horror that is job hunting, the love for writing returned. I spent my days hopelessly applying for jobs, and my evenings writing my little essays about anything that I found remotely interesting. Eventually, after spending a few evenings writing in my gloomy basement flat in London, I was met with this feeling of "I’m-not-that-good-enough-of-a-writer." Of course, that feeling was just a reflection of how I was feeling about life in general at that moment in time. I eventually left my unfinished essays to rot on my Notion page.

Today, I am 24, moved back home to live with my family in India, finding my footing as an art director, and feeling a lot better about life. These changes have finally given me the confidence and courage to write again. Not only to write but also to share it with whoever might care.

What can you expect when you subscribe to the newsletter?

When you subscribe to the newsletter, you'll discover a recurring theme in my essays: an exploration of my thoughts and a quest for clarity. Writing is how I make sense of the world around me, pouring out ideas beyond the confines of my journal. Expect discussions on culture, music, books, fashion, and films, with occasional insights into South Asian representation.

Subscribe to guts

Spilling my guts about culture, music, books, and films, sharing insights and musings.


“language, the world and the self”