Jun 13Liked by Reet Lonari

this is crazy, my post today is about how perfectionism ruined my life, too :')

Perfectionism feels so all or nothing that I've let myself be nothing far too many times. I'm trying my best to move towards the "functional pursuit of excellence". I hadn't heard the term before, but it's what I'm trying to nudge my brain towards!

Thanks for sharing - your posts always hit the mark!!

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Omg loved your post!!!

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Madeleine!!! Thank you, I completely echo what you’re saying. I’ve let my fear of not being good enough take over my life far too many times so writing and publishing this newsletter despite those feelings has really helped! Thank you for reading

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Me too :’) I feel like having something small but doable (like a newsletter) is the perfect way to start overcoming perfectionist tendencies!!

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I'm so glad I saw your note about this text taking long to finish and immediately went on your profile to see if you had posted it! I can relate to this in many ways. Don't be so hard on yourself and just know you are constantly improving after every piece you write.

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Yes I keep reminding myself that writing is like exercising a muscle so I have to keep doing it to feel confident in myself! Thank you for reading Amanda! X

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Jun 13Liked by Reet Lonari

i don’t know how to describe this piece other than so REAL. i definitely relate to constantly comparing myself to other writers on here and thinking that nothings ‘good enough’. this was a really great read!

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Thank you Sophie! I’m so glad you could relate x

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I related so much to this! I have an interview today and the wanting to be a 'perfect' candidate for the job is sending my stomach into extreme knots. Thank you so much for sharing <3

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This is so relatable. I think I can call myself a recovered perfectionist. While I still strive for a certain level, I have taught myself to know when to stop obsessing and then actually stop obsessing. But the struggle is real!

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Thank you for being so open and sharing this part of your life with us! I was thinking how it's not only perfectionism, but also the mode of being productive and constantly improving in the first place, that is stifling, paralysing and overwhelming – at least from my experience. I had to completely dial down my life, so that I had room to just be and exist for a while (next to all the things we have to do like work, responsibilities like family, partners, friends etc.). I didn't want my creative part of my self to suffer from the system (capitalism), that we have to be part of. A lot of what you are touching on is also structural, it is not easy to be healthy in a sick system that wants you to be in constant service of it. I don't have to improve constantly, I don't have to get better at everything constantly and not every process is linear.

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